Career Fair 2016-17 2016-17 | Page 36

Suffolk University – Sawyer Business School 73 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108 • M  S in Accounting — In as few as ten months, you’ll be ready to pass the CPA exam. With a Suffolk MSA degree, you’ll be automatically eligible and well-prepared to sit for the CPA exam. That’s because the curriculum aligns with professional practice. And your courses are enhanced with access to Wiley CPAexcel—a top-rated comprehensive CPA review software. Plus, with a wide range of electives in areas like public accounting, forensic accounting, information technology, tax, and nonprofit or for-profit controllership, you can customize your degree to meet your career goals. Whether you’re a working professional or a full-time student, our class schedule is flexible to fit your lifestyle, and you can earn a degree in as few as 31 credits. You can take two classes back-to-back in one evening, with some classes available online. • M  S in Taxation — Suffolk’s Master of Science in Taxation (MST) degree is the foundation of a successful career in taxation. Our graduates obtain a deep understanding of tax compliance, tax planning, and tax policy that is essential for a rewarding career as a tax professional. With our flexible fall, spring, and summer course offerings, you can take two classes back-to-back in one evening. Some courses are also available online. • G  raduate Certificate in Accounting — Suffolk’s Graduate Certificate in Accounting (GCA) is a part-time program designed for students who do not have an undergraduate degree in accounting, and for students who have an undergraduate degree in accounting from a non-US institution. With our flexible fall, spring, and summer course offerings, you can take two classes back-toback in one evening. The program is also offered fully online. • 4  +1 Programs — If you’re earning an undergraduate business degree at a U.S. institution, you may qualify to earn your MSA, MST, MSF, or MSFSB in as few as 10-12 months, or your MSA/MST or MSA/MSF in as few as 16 months. How to apply: • You must officially apply to the MSA, MST, MSF, MSFSB, dual MSA/MST, or dual MSA/MSF program during the final semester of your senior year of undergraduate study. (Applications from recent graduates will also be considered) • If you have at least a 3.3 cumulative GPA in your final semester of your senior year, you can waive the GMAT or GRE requirement. • Top students will be automatically considered for merit-based fellowship awards (no separate application required). TABLE #52 36 | 2016 MSCPA Career Fair Guide