Career Development Handbook Career-Development-Handbook | Page 10
Understanding and respecting the informal hierarchies and
influencers will make your life way easier, when you are trying to
get things done. Even if you are not a big fan nor believer in office
politics, it would still be tactful for you to conduct yourself with a
high degree of diplomacy.
We cannot control what others would like to think and say
about us. But we can control how we allow their gossips affect
our response and behaviour. It is always ethical and
professional to make sure that we talk to our co-workers and
stakeholders, rather than to be found talking about them.
Gossips could cause a great deal of damage, if unchecked. The
way to tackle uninvited gossips at the workplace would be to
address and clarify misconceptions as soon as possible in a
calm, polite and collected manner, especially directly with the individual(s) who has been initiating
the gossip.
Poor Job Fit and Lack of Motivation
Sometimes, the job we have agreed to, turns out to be
quite different from the job that we are actually expected
to be undertaking. In such cases, it is often useful to find
the opportunity to speak with your supervisor/direct
to seek clarification
expectations, from both parties,
expectations are also articulated.
again on
that your
At times, resolution of such issues could be straight forward and simple, through a negotiation and
mutual agreement on the re-definition of the role.