Career counselor nyc Career Counseling NYC | Page 7

Work Truly Has The Power To Rewrite Life For over 20 years I have been helping people choose, change and advance their careers, using a process which integrates all aspects of personality style, abilities, temperaments and needs. I am able to identify jobs and careers that most people don‘t The career counseling process I use combines guided self- investigation, self-assessment tools and hard-core job search strategies. This career process is a focused, clear, effective, step-by- step process that yields results. Eileen Sharaga is a New York based senior level career counselor and a recognized authority on career development and occupational trends. As a career management specialist for over 2 decades, Ms.Sharaga works with individuals, professionals and even know exist and help clients college grads in all aspects of find and enter careers that truly career planning and career express who they are — rewarding transition. careers in which they can thrive. Career Counselor NYC