Career Center - Professional Toolkit | Page 20


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Do target the resume to the company . Make sure the resume is targeted to the job . Look at the Qualifications and Requirements section of the job description ; then , write your resume to match . If you don ’ t have a job description in front of you , visit O * NET Online and look at tasks related to the job for ideas !
Write unique resumes for each position . You should have a unique resume for each field or job title . Update the resume for each unique position you apply for within the field by including keywords , qualifications , and descriptions from the job listing to give it the best chance of landing you an interview !
Do be concise . Keep your resume to one page . Remember : Only include relevant information . You don ’ t need to describe any work tasks unrelated to the job you want to apply for . Example : If you previously worked in fast food but now want a job in cybersecurity , talking about your ability to problemsolve would be relevant , not your ability to prepare menu items .
Do quantify accomplishments . Employers are results oriented . Use percentages (%), dollars ($), and numbers where possible and appropriate . Reduced costs by how much ? Managed how many staff ?
Do proofread . Read and re-read the resume for errors and typos , then give it to someone else to do the same . A fresh set of eyes may see errors that have been missed .
Do highlight transferable skills and coursework . Especially when there is not a lot of experience or if changing careers , listing classes you have taken related to your field can help beef up your resume !
Do use plenty of white space . Give your resume to a friend . Ask them if it ’ s confusing or too crowded .
Do use nice paper . Plain white copy paper is fine in a pinch , but a nicely weighted bond paper speaks well on its own . Stick to cream or white colors .
Do use phrases . You don ’ t need to write in complete sentences or use the word “ I ” when writing a resume . Using phrases such as “ Completed large-scale marketing project on limited budget ” and “ Created online newsletter ” is preferred . It also helps to save space .
Do write your own resume . You know yourself better than any resume-writing service will , and some things may get lost in translation . Writing your own resume also familiarizes you with the content , which is helpful in an interview when the employer might ask questions about information on the resume !
Did you know that recruiters only look at your resume for 6-20 seconds ?
Watch “ How to make your Resume POP ” for additional tips to help your resume stand out !