Career Center - Professional Toolkit | Page 18


The resume highlights your most impressive and relevant accomplishments and abilities so that an employer can consider how well you fit the job . It should be clear and concise — only one page long .
A resume should have five sections : Name & Contact Information , Qualifications / Skills , Accomplishments , Experience ( work , volunteer , internship , etc .), and Education .
Name & Contact Information
This should be your legal name , email address ( Gmail is preferred ), and phone number ( with voicemail set up and mailbox not full ). Use your name in your email address ( i . e .— Jsmithe13 @ gmail . com ) and ensure your voicemail is professional . You can include a link to your portfolio or LinkedIn , but ensure the URL is short .
Qualifications / Skills
Make a bulleted list of your most impressive qualifications and skills in the top 1 / 3rd of the resume ( using two columns helps conserve room !). Include : X years of relevant experience , software knowledge , soft skills , certifications , memberships , awards , licenses , languages , and any other skill listed in the description of the job you wish to apply for .
Tip : Look for the Qualifications section on the job description and copy anything that describes your abilities !
What field or job are you applying for ( human resources , aerospace , cybersecurity , journalism , etc .)? Think about the tasks , processes , projects , achievements , and duties you have completed related to that field or job . These can be from classwork , personal efforts , previous work experience , volunteering , internships , etc . Write out a bulleted list of each accomplishment related to your field to show the employer the best of what you have to offer , as well as what types of similar experiences you have had in the past . Start each bullet with an action word . Use numbers , dollars , and percentages to emphasize your abilities .
Tip : Visit O * NET Online , type in your field / job , and look at the “ Tasks ” section for ideas !
Don ’ t limit yourself to only paying jobs . You can include internships , shadowing , volunteering , personal projects , club involvement , and jobs of all types ( remote , seasonal , temporary , part-time , etc .) here ! List your job title in bold , then the company name , the location , and the months and years you were involved . List from most recent ( or current ) to least recent , and stay within the last 10-15 years .
List colleges , universities , and / or trade schools by including the name of your degree , institution name , location , and year of completion . If you ’ re currently completing the degree , say “ Expected Month Year .” If you completed coursework but not a degree , list the number of credits earned . If college has been attended , do not include high school as it is implied .