CardioSource WorldNews | Page 25

tion of adults than kids with congenital heart disease . Currently , there is an estimated 1,000,000 adults with congenital heart disease and 20,000 more patients reach adolescence each year . While many of these individuals had mild congenital defects , more survivors have highly complex heart disease ; prevalence increased from 1985 to 2000 and now 49 % of individuals born with severe congenital heart disease are adults .
Because many of the advances have been made in the last 2 decades , so far the greatest proportion of individuals with ACHD are still fairly young ( mean : 31.7 years ). This represents a large wave of individuals who will soon move into the age when ischemic heart disease begins to show up , but their care will be complicated by underlying congenital anomalies .
UNICORNS AND ‘ NAUGHTY BOYS ’ Jane Somerville , MD , is a legend in congenital heart disease . She established the first adolescent cardiology ward in 1975 at National Heart Hospital in London . In 1980 , she organized the first World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology , also in London . She is called the Mother of GUCH because Dr . Somerville established “ Grown Up Congenital Heart Disease ” as
TRITON-TIMI 38 : Greater reductions in thrombotic CV events and stent thrombosis with Effient + ASA vs clopidogrel + ASA *
Thrombotic CV events ( primary composite of CV death , nonfatal MI , nonfatal stroke ) relative risk reduction ( RRR ) in STEMI-PCI patients was 21 % through 450 days ( 9.8 % Effient + ASA vs 12.2 % clopidogrel + ASA , P = 0.02 ) 1
— RRR was 30 % through 7 days ( 5.5 % Effient + ASA vs 7.8 % clopidogrel + ASA , P = 0.008 ) and 32 % through 30 days ( 6.5 % Effient + ASA vs 9.4 % clopidogrel + ASA , P = 0.002 ) 2 , 3
Difference in treatments was primarily driven by a significant reduction in nonfatal MIs , with no significant difference in CV death or nonfatal stroke 1
— In the overall study population , approximately 40 % of MIs occurred periprocedurally and were detected solely by changes in CK-MB
Stent thrombosis ( secondary endpoint ) RRR in ACS-PCI patients was 52 % through 450 days ( 1.1 % Effient + ASA vs 2.2 % clopidogrel + ASA , P < 0.0001 ) 4
Stent thrombosis RRR in STEMI-PCI patients was 42 % through 450 days ( 1.6 % Effient + ASA vs 2.8 % clopidogrel + ASA , P = 0.02 ) 5
SELECTED SAFETY : Effient increased the risk of TIMI major or minor bleeding vs clopidogrel Effient can cause significant , sometimes fatal , bleeding . Overall rates of non-CABG TIMI major or minor bleeding were significantly higher with Effient + ASA ( 4.5 %) compared with clopidogrel + ASA ( 3.4 %). The rates of fatal bleeding were 0.3 % with Effient + ASA and 0.1 % with clopidogrel + ASA . In patients who underwent CABG ( N = 437 ), the rates of CABG-related TIMI major or minor bleeding were 14.1 % with Effient + ASA and 4.5 % with clopidogrel + ASA
* In TRITON-TIMI 38 , the LD of clopidogrel was delayed relative to the placebocontrolled trials that supported its approval for ACS . 1
Effient is indicated to reduce the rate of thrombotic cardiovascular ( CV ) events ( including stent thrombosis ) in patients with acute coronary syndrome ( ACS ) who are to be managed with percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ) as follows : [ 1 ] patients with unstable angina ( UA ) or non – ST-elevation myocardial infarction ( NSTEMI ); [ 2 ] patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction ( STEMI ) when managed with primary or delayed PCI .
The loading dose ( LD ) of Effient is 60 mg and the maintenance dose ( MD ) is 10 mg once daily . Effient is available in 5-mg and 10-mg tablets .
Effient ® ( prasugrel ) can cause significant , sometimes fatal , bleeding .
Do not use Effient in patients with active pathological bleeding or a history of transient ischemic attack or stroke .
In patients ≥75 years of age , Effient is generally not recommended , because of the increased risk of fatal and intracranial bleeding and uncertain benefit , except in high-risk situations ( patients with diabetes or a history of prior myocardial infarction [ MI ]) where its effect appears to be greater and its use may be considered .
Do not start Effient in patients likely to undergo urgent coronary artery bypass graft surgery ( CABG ). When possible , discontinue Effient at least 7 days prior to any surgery .
Additional risk factors for bleeding include : body weight < 60 kg propensity to bleed
concomitant use of medications that increase the risk of bleeding ( eg , warfarin , heparin , fibrinolytic therapy , chronic use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [ NSAIDs ])
Suspect bleeding in any patient who is hypotensive and has recently undergone coronary angiography , percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ), CABG , or other surgical procedures in the setting of Effient .
If possible , manage bleeding without discontinuing Effient . Discontinuing Effient , particularly in the first few weeks after acute coronary syndrome , increases the risk of subsequent cardiovascular events .
Please see Brief Summary of Prescribing Information , including Boxed Warning regarding bleeding risk , on subsequent pages .
Effient is contraindicated in patients with active pathological bleeding , such as from a peptic ulcer or intracranial hemorrhage ( ICH ), or a history of transient ischemic attack ( TIA ) or stroke , and in patients with hypersensitivity to prasugrel or any component of the product
Patients who experience a stroke or TIA while on Effient generally should have therapy discontinued . Effient should also be discontinued for active bleeding and elective surgery
Premature discontinuation of Effient increases risk of stent thrombosis , MI , and death
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura ( TTP ), a rare but serious condition that can be fatal , has been reported with Effient , sometimes after a brief exposure (< 2 weeks ), and requires urgent treatment , including plasmapheresis
Hypersensitivity , including angioedema , has been reported in patients receiving Effient , including patients with a history of hypersensitivity reaction to other thienopyridines
Bleeding , including life-threatening and fatal bleeding , is the most commonly reported adverse reaction
TRITON-TIMI 38 was a head-to-head study comparing Effient ( 60-mg LD followed by a 10-mg once-daily MD ) plus aspirin ( ASA ) with clopidogrel ( 300-mg LD followed by a 75-mg once-daily MD ) plus ASA in 13,608 patients with ACS managed with PCI ( median duration 14.5 months ). 1 , 6
References : 1 . Effient ® ( prasugrel ) prescribing information . Daiichi Sankyo , Inc . and Eli Lilly and Company . 2 . Data on file : # EFF20130920a : DSI / Lilly . 3 . Data on file : # EFF20080929c : DSI / Lilly . 4 . Data on file : # EFF20091204b : DSI / Lilly . 5 . Data on file : # EFF20100129c : DSI / Lilly . 6 . Wiviott SD , Braunwald E , McCabe CH , et al ; for the TRITON-TIMI 38 Investigators . N Engl J Med . 2007 ; 357:2001-2015 .