CardioSource WorldNews | Page 10

THE BE T Number Check | #√ Lower That Top BP Number 100,000 The number of deaths per year that could be prevented by aggressively lowering systolic blood pressure to 120 mm Hg or less. Current medical practice generally aims at lowering systolic blood pressures to 140 mm Hg or less among high-risk adults. Source: American Heart Association. News release. Green Thumbs Linked to Eating Greens 2.9 The number of cups of fruits and vegetables eaten daily by college students who gardened as kids or are current gardeners. This was about a half a cup more than students who never gardened. Hands-on-experience was important—the same trend was not seen in student whose parents gardened. Source: University of Florida. News release. Old and Sedentary? 31 million The number of Americans over 50 who don’t exercise, increasing their risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Southerners are least likely to exercise, with those in the West being the most active. Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. News release. 8 CardioSource WorldNews November 2016