CardioSource WorldNews September 2015 | Page 39

THIS ADVERTORIAL IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY BAYER Figure 1. Diagnosing CTEPH and Surgical Assessment after unresolved PE15 Prior PE without resolution of symptoms after ≥3 months of anticoagulation V/Q scan C LO T S D E T E C T E D N O C LO T S D E T E C T E D RHC to confirm CTEPH mPAP ≥25 mmHg PCWP ≤15 mmHg CTEPH excluded; continue workup consistent with symptoms Selective pulmonary angiography, CTPA, magnetic resonance angiography to confirm presence and location of lesions Surgical assessment, including accessibility of lesions, comorbidities, hemodynamics Eligible: Proceed with PTE Patients who have operable CTEPH should be referred for surgery without delay.15 Though all CTEPH patients require lifelong anticoagulation to prevent in situ pulmonary artery thrombosis and recurrent venous thromboembolism,15,24 anticoagulation is not sufficient to treat the progressive right ventricular dysfunction that results from CT A