CardioSource WorldNews September 2015 | Page 13

Patient Focus CARDIOSMART CORNER Helping Raise Cholesterol Awareness used as a great starting point for a more in-depth cholesterol conversation with your patients. In addition, you can also direct your patients to CardioSmart’s cholesterol condition center where they can find guideline-based, patient-friendly content, as well as choose to take part in September’s “Cholesterol Challenge” and “Cholesterol Quiz.” Educated and informed patients help facilitate better care. For more information on cholesterol patient education, visit About one in three American adults has high LDL cholesterol. Of these, less than one third has their condition under control. How can we help patients understand what cholesterol means and the role it plays in their cardiovascular health? To help with cholesterol education, CardioSmart has developed a new infographic (see below) that can be posted in physician offices or used online to educate patients about high cholesterol and what can be done to control it in terms of diet and lifestyle choices. It can be AF in the Spotlight CHOLESTEROL September is Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Awareness Month. Here are some key topics to talk with your patients about: What is CHOLESTEROL? A fat-like substance in your blood. Too much cholesterol can clog your arteries • Do they need anticoagulants to avoid a stroke? If so, what kind? and lead to heart attack or stroke. HDL LDL "Bad" Cholesterol "Good” Cholesterol Keep <100 TRIGLYCERIDES/5 Keep <150 Keep >40 TOTAL CHOLESTEROL • Do they need to have a procedure (e.g., electrical shock or ablation) to restore a normal heartbeat? Keep >50 C M Y CM MY What Causes FOOD TIPS HIGH CHOLESTEROL? Being Overweight • Has their heart been weakened by the AF? • What medications should they take to control their heart rate? HDL-RAISING: Olive oil, avocados, walnuts LDL AND TRIGLYCERIDELOWERING: Age Oatmeal, apples, oranges, salmon, tofu • What kind of activities can they perform and what should they avoid? CY LDL-RAISING: Being CMY Egg yolks, fatty meats, shellfish, dairy products, processed snacks Inactive K Poor Family Diet History How is it TREATED? Lose Eat A Diet Weight Excessive drinking, simple carbs/starches, sugars, animal products What raises LDL can also raise Triglycerides. Don't Smoke! Regular Exercise Get If you would like to download or order additional posters on various topics, visit • Do they need to change their diet? TRIGLYCERIDE-RAISING: ©2015, American College of Cardiology Z1541 HeartHealthy Martha Gulati, MD, MS CardioSmart Editor-in-Chief The ACC has also launched “Blood Thinners for Atrial Fibrillation: A Smart Decision Guide,” a new tool designed to facilitate more effective conversations between clinicians and patients about anticoagulation treatment options. The tool helps patients better understand their CHADS2VASC2 stroke risk score and exactly how anticoagulants lower that risk. In addition, it makes patients aware of their bleeding risk estimated by HASBLED. Check it out at: Additional AF resources, including an online clinical topic hub and the AnticoagEvaluator mobile app, are available on ■ CardioSource WorldNews 11