Osborne High School Senior Project 2017- 2018
Job Shadowing Evaluation Form
Student: ________________________________ English Teacher: _________________________
Dear Mentor:
Thank you for your time and effort in helping this student. Please help evaluate the student’s efforts
on this phase of the Cardinal Capstone by verifying your time with the student and providing insight
when appropriate.
We appreciate your willingness to be an important member of Osborne High School’s team of
educators. Please rate the student based on this scale:
4-Strongly Agree
1-Strongly Disagree
This is an Open Record and will be viewed by the teacher and student, then placed in the
student’s portfolio.
Total hours spent with this student: _____________________
4 3 2 1 The student scheduled meetings and handled himself/herself in a professional manner.
4 3 2 1 The skill level of the work was appropriate for the student.
4 3 2 1 The student overcame problems and challenges appropriately.
4 3 2 1 The student was prompt, polite , and courteous in his/her interactions.
Please provide any additional information that would aid the teacher in evaluating this student and
return this form to the student’s teacher in the envelope provided, or via FAX or email.
Mentor Name: ____________________________________ Job Title: ________________________
Phone#: _______________________ Email: ____________________________________________
Mentor Signature: __________________________________________________
This guide has been adapted and revised from Hillgrove Senior Project Student Handbook for Osborne Cardinal Capstone Student Handbook.