Write a Thank You note to your Mentor
Osborne High School Senior Project 2017- 2018
Your mentor has spent many hours helping you through your product , so it is important that you express your thanks . Rather than purchase a printed thank-you note , take the time to write a personal note or write a thank-you letter . Your English teacher will clarify which method to use in class and will ask you to turn in your thank-you note for checking , with a stamped , addressed envelope . A copy of the thank-you note should be included in your portfolio .
Here are some guidelines to follow : 1 . Start your thank-you with Dear ____________ ,
2 . Be sure to include mention of what you are thanking your mentor for . A statement beginning with , “ I want to thank you for all of the hours you spent helping me carve my walking stick ,” or “ I want to thank you for allowing me into your classroom to observe and help the children develop their reading skills .” Express your thanks simply and directly .
3 . Next , include a line or two to say specifically what you appreciate about your mentor : a specific quality , feature , or action would be appropriate . “ You were always there when I needed you , and you always seemed happy to see me when I arrived for our sessions ,” or “ Your skill on the guitar was an inspiration to me throughout each of my lessons ,” or “ You had such great patience with me , even when I made really big mistakes .” Just be sure that you are honest in your comments .
4 . Finally , you should end the note with a general statement such as , “ You have really made a difference in my life , and for that I am truly grateful ,” or “ My Senior Project would not have turned out so well without your help ,” or “ You have really opened my eyes to how helpful an adult can be ,” or “ I hope that you will continue to mentor young people , because you have so much to offer .”
5 . Some further thoughts : � Be sure to close the note with a word or phrase such as " Sincerely ," or " With gratitude ," and then sign your name . � Whatever you do , never belittle your mentor ’ s help in any way . � Make sure your mentor ’ s last impression of you is a good one .
Portfolio Guidelines
Your Portfolio is a physical record and documentation of the work you have done all semester for your Senior Project . It will be placed in your presentation room for your judges to see the evening of your presentation . As the judges look through your portfolio , they will get a clear idea of the scope of your work and the effort you have put forth .
Each student is responsible for neatly completing all required items and including them in their portfolio . Most students find that the best method for keeping work clean and for later assembling their portfolio is the use of sheet protectors . Sheet protectors can be purchased at any office supply store . Do not wait until the end of the semester to purchase sheet protectors or to begin assembling your portfolio . The more effort you put into regular maintenance of the Portfolio , the easier the final assemblage will be , and the less stressed you will be .
� ITEM ( IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE ) Cover Page ( Use Proclamation Slide ) Table of Contents Résumé
Revised Letter to the Judges Clean copy of Research Paper Completed Mentor Hours Log Mentor Evaluation and Product Verification Form Photograph of you with your mentor Copy of Thank-You Note to mentor Career Preparedness Check List and Artifacts + 10 Bonus Points Final copy of Reflective Journal
This guide has been adapted and revised from Hillgrove Senior Project Student Handbook for Osborne Cardinal Capstone Student Handbook .