Cardiff Half Marathon Race Brochure 2017 | Page 19

CURRENT HALF MARATHON RECORDS UK Men: Mohamed Farah (60:59) New Orleans, 2013 Welsh All-comers Men: Loitarakwai Lengurisi (61:51) Cardiff, Wales, 2013 Women: Susan Partridge(71:10) Cardiff, Wales, 2012 Men: Steve Jones (61:14) Birmingham, England, 1985 Women: Caryl Mair Jones (71:52) Kavarna, Bulgaria, 2012 Women: Susan Partridge (71:10) Leeds, GBR, 2012 Winners 2014 Men: Boniface Kongin (62:02) Kenya Women: Joan Chelimo (72:26) Kenya Winners 2013 Men: Loitarakwai Lengurisi (61:51) Kenya Women: Purity Kimetto (74:21) Kenya Joan Chelimo The night before: • Don’t forget to fill in all your medical details on the back of you race number. As race day draws ever closer, make sure you’re ready for the occasion with our helpful pre-race advice. • After your final long run, a few 30-minute sessions and rest days in between will help you taper for race day. • Don’t over-exert yourself or cause muscle stiffness the week before the race. • All your training is done; don’t risk injury by pushing yourself. • Make sure you have worn in new trainers and socks before race day. • Aim to drink at least two glasses of water the evening before; it’s important to keep hydrated. • Do not drink too much on the morning of the race. • Don’t over-eat the night before. Eat carbohydrates, but be careful when carbo-loading. Also, don’t experiment the night before, eat something you are used to and don’t fill up at breakfast! ROUTE MAP Two weeks to go: • It’s time for your final long run (10–14 miles) two weeks before the race. • Pack an old t-shirt or bin bag to wear before the start of the race. Something light, waterproof and easy to throw away is important. EVENT EXPERIENCE PRE-RACE ADVICE RACE WEEKEND INFORMATION Welsh Course Record Men: Loitarakwai Lengurisi (61:51) Kenya, 2013 WELCOME Women: Paula Radcliffe (66:47) Bristol, England, 2001 Lloyds Bank Cardiff Half Marathon • Make sure you know how long it will take you to get to the race village and familiarise yourself with the start so that you are not rushing. • Wash any new kit in advance. OFFICIAL RACE BROCHURE 19