Cardiff Half Marathon Race Brochure 2017 1 | Page 26

JOIN OUR TEAM ...and help the 10 million people in the UK who are deaf or have a hearing loss. We’ll support your training and help you raise money for a great cause. CROESO GWYBODAETH AM Y RAS Contact Dee or Lucy on 02920 333 034 or email us at: fundraisingwales@hear [???????Z?X?[??X\?[???????Z???\?Y??[???S??Q?H?Q?T?PT??&T??P????][??Y?\???H????X??\??[???\?H?[H?X[?H\???x?&\?H\?H??H\?X\??Y[?Z[\?[?[??Y[?Y??? ?[??Y?\??\?H???X[?Y?[Y[???\[?H?X?X[\?[??[?????\?[?\????][??[?X[?Y?[Y[????[???Y???\??[???\??[?[]]\?????[Y\??X[???[[???H?\?Y??[?X\?]??? ?H ? ?? ? L?[???[??Y?\?? ???H???[??Y?\?? ???H?]\????K?[??Y?\?????Y?[???Y???H?\?????