Carbon Action Project Launch Booklet | Page 5

of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation, and - To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth What is the Carbon Action Project? Our churches’ joint Carbon Action Project is a visible and practical ex- pression of our Gospel commitment in these areas. The actions proposed to be taken during this project are: 1. Discern and articulate the vision for the project and to develop a set of worship/theological resources. 2. Make the Holy Cross/St Margaret’s site carbon neutral: This will in- volve steps such as carrying out a carbon audit; identifying ways to re- duce carbon emissions and energy use; evaluating the costs of the re- ductions as compared to the benefits and recommending a timetable for implementation. 3. Assist families within St Margaret’s and Holy Cross to become car- bon neutral: listen to congregational members to hear what they are do- ing already to reduce energy use and carbon emissions; provide guid- ing resources (e.g. a carbon calculator) to help families develop their own climate change action plan, either written materials or through workshops; assist with implementation as needed; collect, compile and share information on a regular basis. 4. Engage young people and families in the community in addressing issues of climate anxiety: encourage young people to become involved in the project; solicit their views in creating action plans for families and for the congregations. 5. Run this project as a pilot project with appropriate documentation and evaluation, so that it could be of use to other communities in the Can- berra Region Presbytery, the Canberra Goulburn Diocese, the general Canberra community and beyond. 6. Communicate and celebrate this project: it will be important to cele- brate achievements in various stages of this project as well as at its conclusion with public worship/celebration events. Carbon Action Project 2 1 March 2020