Cararoo Newsletter Cararoo Christmas Newsletter - 2017 | Page 7

A busy but rewarding year Floods After experiencing 3 severe floods this year, there was much work to be done on the canteen and learning centre. We repaired fences, the roof, drains and cleaned up other water damage within the buildings. It’s amazing how resilient Cararoo parents are. It makes us more determined than ever to provide the children with an education which will secure a better future for them. But …… life goes on Livelihood Project In July the mothers of Cararoo engaged in a special project - decorating the traditional Anahaw fans with ribbons, laces and patches. The project was called ‘Pamaypay ni Inay’. The first batch 0f 50 decorated fans sold out in a few weeks. A second batch has been completed and will be sold in the bazaar this holiday season. Our Carfare mothers have also ventured out into decorating a traditional bag, known as ‘Bayong’ (market bag). the spirit of creativity and entrepreneurship is high amongst the women. Whilst assisting in whatever way we can, being a non-profit organisation, Cararoo cannot have any financial involvement.