Cararoo Newsletter Cararoo Christmas Newsletter - 2017 | Page 3

Cararoo is making a difference This is our 11th year of sending children from a squatter village to school. We now have 4 students who have graduated from college and are in full-time employment. Three others are currently attending college. We can genuinely say that our education program is working in helping the ‘poorest of the poor’. Thank you to all those generous people who support our foundation. College Graduate - Ferdinand Ismael In 2005 at the age of 11, Ferdinand joined Cararoo as a grade 5 scholar. A timid, quiet boy, Ferdinand loved school and was very motivated to excel. In 2015 he graduated from high school, and the Cararoo Foundation continued to sponsor him through a 2 year IT course at STI. In 2016 Ferdinand graduated from his IT course with above average grades and took on a traineeship as an encoder with the Regional Trial Court in Pasay City. In early 2017, after completing his QJT requirements, Ferdinand’s job search took him to Metrobank Philippines, one of the top banking institutions in the country. Ferdinand works there now as an IT expert. Ferdinand has grown from a timid young boy from Managuan community to a confident, stable and motivated young man. Ferdinand is one of the Cararoo Foundation success stories. High School Awards Princess Pintor top student in all Grade 7 This year we have 2 high school students who have received awards for the highest results in their grade. Congratulations Princess and Rowel for your wonderful results. We are so proud of you. Rowel Cruz top student in Grade 9