Cararoo Newsletter Cararoo Christmas Newsletter - 2017 | Page 13

Rugby Training After a long, hot, wet summer training finally began at the International school fields. Uniforms and equipment were supplied by the Singapore Rugby Tournament For many weeks, Arlene Tinkler trained the kids . After the match she stated: “This was the first time Cararoo kids had played in this tournament. Even though they came up against very experienced teams, they did us proud. All the kids played fearlessly, scoring tries in every game, and coming close to winning a couple of their matches.” The other teams were very impressed and one team even asked 3 of our players to play for them in the upcoming Mens Touch League. Overall, it was a very successful day. The kids really enjoyed themselves and feel proud of the way they played. And we are proud too. “It’s not a matter of winning but how they approach the game,” said Arlene. Well done kids! For many years the Singapore Cricket Club Rugby Academy and SCC Growlers have helped us promote rugby with the kids and have provided Cararoo with uniforms, balls, boots etc. So, this was a good opportunity to promote SCC by wearing some of the uniforms they provided. Mr Richard Cook from SCC also helped us fund the cost of attending the tournament with registration, transport, insurance, food & drink, uniforms, Halloween customs etc. We thank you again for your generosity Mr Cook and SCC.