CAR ARCHIVED April 2016 | Page 35

Market Action Report Chester County: Chester Agent Name Market Action Report County: Chester April 2016 Title Phone Agent Name Website TitleOther Phone Trending versus*: Website Month LM L3M PYM LY Other $99,000 16% -1% April 2016 Community Information | School District Price Range: All | Properties: SFH - Con Market Profile & Trends Overview Price Range: AllList | Properties: SFH Median Price of- Con all Current Listings Trending versus*: Prior YTD Prior Year YTD Trending versus*: $151,822 Trending -1% versus*: -7% LM L3M PYM LY YTD Prior YTD Prior Year $0 #### #### #### ##### $110,000 90% 31% $99,000 16% -1% $0 #### #### #### ##### $145,226 61% 42% $151,822 -1% -7% 45 -15% -42% $0 #### #### #### ##### $110,000 90% 31% 0 #### 23 $0 #### #### #### #### ##### $145,226 61% -21%42% AprilProperties Average Days on Market (Solds) 0 #### #### 125 -27% 0% Total Currently for Sale (Inventory) 45 -15% -42% #### ##### Asking Price of per Square Foot 4% April Number Properties Sold(based on New Listings) 0$82 ####34% 14% #### 6% 19% 23 $72 -21% 9% AprilAverage Sold Price April Daysper onSquare Market Foot (Solds) 0 $0 ######## ######## #### #### ########## 125 $66 -27% 27% 0% 16% April Month's Inventory 7.9 Asking Price perSupply Square of Foot (based on New Listings) $82 0.0 34%#### 14% #### 6% #### 19% ##### $72 9% -26% 4% -13% AprilSold SalePrice Priceper vsSquare List Price Ratio April Foot $0 0.0% ######## ######## #### #### ########## $66 89.3% 27% 7% 16% 3% * LM=Last Month / L3M=Last 3 Months / PYM=Same Month Prior Year / LY=Last Year (2015) / YTD = Year-to-date | Arrows indicate if Month / YTD values are higher (up), lower (down) or unchanged (flat) April Month's Supply of Inventory 0.0 #### #### #### ##### 7.9 -26% -13% April Sale Price vs List Price Ratio 0.0% #### #### #### ##### 7%Sold 3% Number of 89.3% Properties Average List Price of all Current Listings Market Profile & Trends Overview April Median Sales Price Median List Price of all Current Listings April Average Sales Price Average List Price of all Current Listings Total Properties Currently for Sale (Inventory) April Median Sales Price AprilAverage Number of Properties Sold April Sales Price Month 3 Mo Avg * LM=Last Month / L3M=Last 3 Months / PYM=Same Month Prior Year / LY=Last Year (2015) / YTD = Year-to-date | Arrows indicate if Month / YTD values are higher (up), lower (down) or unchanged (flat) Property Sales 0 9 8 6 7 8 9 10 8 14 9 11 6 6 6 9 10 4 13 9 6 13 9 9 4 10 6 13 8 6 5 8 13 7 7 0 9 8 6 7 8 9 8 10 9 14 11 6 6 6 9 10 4 13 9 6 13 9 9 4 6 10 13 8 6 5 8 13 5 3 Mo Avg 80 Total Inventory & Month's Supply of Inventory (MSI) Total Inventory & Month's Supply of Inventory (MSI) 30.0 95 99 95 106 80 Median Sales Price and Average Sales Price M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A 16 M J 13J A S O N D J F 14 M A M J J A S O N D J F M15A M J J A S O N D J F M A 13 14 15 16 Inventory & MSI Inventory & MSI of Properties available for sale as of April The Total Inventory The Inventory offrom Properties for sale as of April wasTotal 45, down 15.1% 53 lastavailable month and down 41.6% from 77 140 140 was 45, down 15.1% from 53 last month and down 41.6% from 77 in April of last year. April 2016 Inventory was at its lowest level 120 incompared April of last year. April 2016 and Inventory with April of 2015 2014. was at its lowest level 120 100 compared with April of 2015 and 2014. 100 7 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 25.0 99 108 106 116 108 110 107 116 102 110 104107 107 102 105 104 97 107 97 105 95 97 92 97 88 95 84 92 82 88 78 84 79 82 74 70 78 71 79 7774 70 75 7271 68 77 66 75 67 72 7068 65 66 58 67 60 70 62 65 53 58 45 60 62 53 45 Prices The Median Sales Price in April was $0, down 100.0% from Prices $57,774 in April of 2015 and down 100.0% from $140,000 last The Median Sales Price Sales in April wasin $0, down 100.0% from100.0% month. The Average Price April was $0, down 200 $57,774 in April of 2015 and down 100.0% from $140,000 l