How have technological Improvements affected the workplace?
One important part of a suffiecent economy is one where everyone is able to help contribute to the developement of society. One major way of contributing is through an individuals occupation. Those who work, help provide for their community , town and state. This is a reason why jobs are important and employment is nessecary. An obvious obstical to this is unemployement, job loss. As society progress, it can be the adancemets that push people back.
Advancements in technology have already replaced human need in certain fields. One major hit has been the manufacturing and marketing industries. Technology has been replacing human muscle with mechanical muscle. Innovative technology can preform more than humans and usually faster than the worker in manufacturing. Automatic generating voice has been a major disrupt in the telemarketing do preform task similar to a worker without disruting emotion.
The result of job loss results in not being able to contribute to society or support ones family. Job loss has a tramendous effect on household budgets, paying bills and debt especially with rent or rising tuitions.