c o l u m n S
‘Green thumbs’ and‘green minds’
v o l u m e
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i s s u e
N o .
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c a p i t o l
c h r o n i c l e
he Capitol University Alumni Association’s spearheading a
bamboo planting activity along the river coast of Barangay
Consolacion last August 11, 2013 gave me an opportunity
to, for the first time, plant a bamboo seedling together with
other socially-responsible individuals.
Bamboos are tough. That is I think the reason why it was
planted on the river banks, as it is a good shield whenever the river will outflow again like how it did during the past typhoons. But
the participants perhaps failed to consider the objective of the event
which is to properly plant the seedlings and not just for the sake
of planting alone. I imagined the scenario and asked, after months
or years, how many of the planted bamboo will survive, given that
some of it were not planted properly? Will it carry out the purpose of
creating evergreen river coast shields given that the volunteers have
inadequate knowledge on the proper planting?
This brings me to my first point; we need to educate, or at least
orient, people on the proper doing of things to really carry out a
goal-oriented outcome. This made me think then that there are so
many ‘tree planting’ activities happening but I rarely heard of ‘tree
growing’ or ‘tree nursing’ activities. I believe it is a better picture if
those who planted the bamboos on that day will soon again visit the
site to, at least, put fences around the seedlings or uproot the weeds
around them. These are just minute efforts but it will really carry out
the goal of such activities. This unsolicited suggestion can be a challenge to the organizations that are still planning to conduct a ‘planting’ activity. We may not be a ‘green thumb’ but for sure we can
volunteer to become one. By ‘green thumbs’ I mean those people who
can volunteer to create small efforts to carry out ‘green’ initiatives.
By ‘green minds’ I mean having the initiative in doing small and big
efforts that contributes to the greater goal of mitigating the impacts of
climate change. This includes basic things on the grass root level such
as waste segregation, recycling, tree growing and what not.
On volunteerism, I realized that if we work for Mother Na \?H?B??YY]X\?H?[YH?[X?\??[?H????[?Y\?Y?[?\?[??\?????H[??[???\?XY?YH?^H?X????[??X??\?[??^H]Y\?[????[Z\??[?\?X?[H?\?[????H???\?[??H\??Y[?\?][??^H]Y\?[??[???[?B????H[?H??????H[??\??Y[???H[???\?Y8?&???&H[?B?\?Y?YY?H?\??X?K?Y]?[??H?X??[?X]Y\?[???\??]8?&?HZY??YYZ\?[?]?H?[???Y???]8?&HH?X[^?Y?]???[????[?\??]\?H]\??X[H???HX[?]?K??B?H?[Y]?H]]\??H??[?\?H??]]?[??]?H?\???[???H?[YK?]]\??H??[?\?H??]H8?&?\?]??[???&H]?[?B??X[H?\??YY?]?]]\??H??[?\?H??]??H??\?H?X[B??&???X[K\?\???X?x?&H?[?]?[?H??H??\?H\??]?H[?Y???\???B??]?]H[H[??[???[?H?\??X?H\?]\?H\?B??YY??\?????H[?H??????H[??\??Y[?Y??H??X[H?\?H??H?]??Y\??\?[XY?[?H???X]]\???YH[??[\[???Y[???[X[?]?[^H???][?[?[??\??H?Y\??]\???HXZ?[??]??[?\?K?H?H?]??H??\?H?[[???H????]Y?]\?X[?]?H]?[???H??\?H[??[[???[??H???Y?????X?]\?H\?H?[?H?X?Y?X??[??[??Y?^H?[??????\?]K?YX[??[K???[??[H????\?[?[[??]X??Y]^H]Y\?[?\???[???[X??X?[]Y\?Z?H8?&\???[?[8?&H[???&[[??X?x?&H??[??YH[??H?]X][???X\?H?[X]H?[??B?\?H?\?[?\?[??Y[?H[?XYH]H[???H?YY??[?X??X?[]Y\?[?\??K??H?YY??X?Y?X?H8?&?[??[8?&HY??H?X[H?\?H???H?]??Y\?Y\?]\?[?[X[?H????H[?H??????H??[[???[?]]\?H?[Y]?K[?H[?[X[?B?Y??H?[?\?]\?\??YH?H???Y?H\???[X?\???[?H?[?[??X?\?H\?H?^H?H?[?[??X\?HZ\??[X?\??HXZ?[??]X[?]?K??H\?\???YH\?H8?&?Y[?Z[?8?&H?Y]?\?\??YK?\?\?H?H?^H]H[???B??[?[??\?H]\?H?[?H?X[H?\?X?B???]]?H?]??Y\?\?X^H?H\???]?H?[Y]?H\?\?Y??X?]?K?]\????Y[?????\?Yx?&\?[??B??\?YH??[[???Y??[??H???????YH?H?[??\?[??\?YX?][?[?\?[KH\\?Y[??YX?][?
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