Caperucita 2020 - 2021 | Page 148

This year was a first in many aspects . It was our first year as Middle School students . It was also our first full year as a virtual school . For some of us , it was our first year attending a school in Colombia , or our first year at Gimnasio Femenino . 2020 – 2021 was a year full of challenges that translated into new opportunities . The social distancing and perceived risk of the pandemic taught us to be caring with ourselves , our friends and family ; and encouraged us to find new ways of staying close to each other . Facing a new academic program - the MYP - in a virtual environment , was a challenge that we overcame together . We collaborated with our teachers and found new ways to develop innovative learning methods . We discovered new subjects and technologies , as well as new classmates with whom we established close friendships . Despite internet connection difficulties , we created opportunities to stay together . We had the chance to reunite at school , and while some of our classmates were absent , our feeling of belonging to a group grew stronger . This year was unique , as it increased our awareness of the need to protect the wellbeing of others and of ourselves . It increased our hope that during the next years we will be together again .
75 Promoción 2020- 2021