CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Publicly Traded November 2018 | Page 206


As preposterous as this sounds, this is exactly what the United States is alleged to be doing with respect to travellers to the USA from countries were cannabis is legal (Canadians specifically at this time) and where the traveller used cannabis legally and where the traveller does not have legal cannabis on their possession while travelling. Other reported cases involved officers of ancillary companies where the company has no contact with the physical plant. A few articles on this phenomenon follow and simply click where it says to “Click Here”.

w U.S. reportedly issuing lifetime travel bans for anyone even remotely connected to Canada's legal cannabis industry (Click Here).

w Executives, professionals connected to cannabis industry avoid travel to U.S. for fear of lifetime ban (Click Here).

w Canadian banned from U.S. over pot use a 'ridiculous situation' says Goodale (Click Here).

There are countless other articles that you can look up. As more countries legalize cannabis that would mean the list of international travellers making the USA their vacation destination of choice will decline substantially let alone business travel. But such an isolationist practice may be seen to some as consistent with the increased rhetoric and action we have seen with respect to, for example, immigration and trade.

The Dow Jones and other stock markets are at all time highs and the Economy appears to be overall humming along nicely. This prosperity is due to decades of astute economic and fiscal policy that has been fine tuned and tweaked over the years. It is difficult to objectively articulate that alleged unfair trade deals have done harm by countries such as Canada where the USA enjoys a trade surplus. Regardless of one’s politics, such action and rhetoric can only be viewed protectionist in nature. That truth cannot be denied or even reasonably debated. The debate may be around free or liberal trade vs protectionism and that is a healthy and fair debate. What does this have to do with the legal cannabis and hemp industries operating within individual states?