CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Publicly Traded May/June 2018 | Page 265


As with all of our Q&A sessions, we were not approached or requested to undertake the Q&A but rather we approach those companies that we feel the timing is right. No compensation of any kind or in any form is ever offered, requested, expected, or received.


CI: What is Nano-Biotechnology?

NSHSF: We use the interdisciplinary field of nanobiotechnology—combining chemistry, biology, engineering, and medicine—which is revolutionizing the development of delivery systems for a wide range of biological agents from drugs to nutraceutical factors. Natural, non-toxic biomaterials with nanosize organization are used to create our nanoparticle NanoSphere Delivery System™. These systems have an enhanced ability to cross cell membranes, reduce the risk of undesired presystemic metabolism, avoid uptake by the reticuloendothelial system of the liver and spleen as foreign substances and prevent premature clearance from the body.

CI: How does Nano-Technology bring precision to cannabis?

NSHSF: We found the market was severally lacking in advanced, credible technology and our delivery system is particularly well suited to cannabis for several reasons. First, current methods of consuming cannabis – smoking, vaping, edibles- have numerous problems and limitations. Second, cannabinoids have poor solubility and a low dissolution rate in the aqueous gastrointestinal fluids and significant first-pass liver metabolism results in low bioavailability when cannabis is taken orally. Our NanoSphere Delivery System is a recent advancement in lipid nanoparticle delivery technology. The fluidity and viscoelastic gels are proven effective in transporting cannabinoids across cell membranes and binding to receptor sites. Our technology is a breakthrough for the industry in every regard – being more effective, eliminating delayed onset of action, better bioavailability and bioactivity with no side effects.

CI: What is management’s experience with Nano-Technology?

NSHSF: Our management team has been working to develop our patented and revolutionary NanoSphere Delivery System™ for over five years. Before that, our Chief Science Officer, Dr. Richard Kaufman had been researching and developing the NDS system for over 20 years.

Kate S. Wells


NanoSphere Health Sciences, Inc.

d: 720.528.4437 | c: 303.324.7358