CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Publicly Traded June/July 2018 | Page 121

By Dylan Rogers

Horizon’s Medical Marijuana ETF (TSX:HMMJ)

Horizon’s Medical Marijuana ETF is starting to come off of it’s bottom and for people interested in pot stocks I hope everyone took notice. Investors and traders alike are looking for the various reasons that may have caused them to bottom but I prefer to just let the charts do the talking, as most of the “reasons” is likely no more than “noise”. Here is the chart that I posted last month for our CannaInvestor readors:


Technical Analysis of the Canadian Cannabis Market


Welcome back for another edition of our technical analysis were we help you marry fundamental and charting techniques together to help you become a better investor. The weather is heating up outside and so is the marijuana sector. There is lots of anticipation of legalization moving forward and much anticipated IPO’s are now free trading on the market. Of course, we all know people that are either perma-bulls or perma-bears within the market that are constantly flaunting their views. Perhaps it is worth considering their perspective. You should always do your own due diligence and one part of you know I am going to drill into you is their charts. What is the chart saying about the company you own or that marijuana company you have been pondering recently? Let’s take a dive into some new tools we can add to our toolbelt.