CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Publicly Traded January 2018 | Page 160


Investor Marketing =

Messaging Branding Distribution

Understanding that cannabis can’t sell itself, here’s how it works — in a nutshell.

Messaging: You need a core mission that’s unique, eye-catching, credible and can be told in 15 – 30 seconds. (aka the “elevator pitch.”) This will be the foundation for all your marketing, and establish your image. Remember, you’re selling two things: Product and brand. Your product brings in revenue, but your brand can make you rich.

Branding: This is how your cannabis company will be known to customers and investors — synonymous with quality, innovation, integrity and customer service. What better image can there be to attract investors to boost your stock price? There are no Starbucks-like names yet, but this kind of branding is coming.

Distribution: This is about making sure that qualified investors are exposed to your messaging. But distribution is always a problem because CFOs are usually in charge of their company’s publicly-traded stock, and these guys rarely understand “selling.” Yet this is what could generate the really big money.

Bottom line: Great investor marketing is mostly common sense, certainly not rocket science. It just takes a lot of work, with real flair.