CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Publicly Traded February 2019 | Page 205



This industry is not legal in the US nationally and would such a takeover be permitted under US law? Because this industry is not covered by the new free trade agreement, would the Canadian government intervene to protect what some may refer to as Canadian interests?

As the green rush in America kicks into high gear you know what dark side follows … and in this case what follows is actually at the forefront and establishing itself in advance …. Those looking to make a fast buck and at times may be seen as doing so at your expense … the paid promoter. Of course one can make substantial ROI following paid promoters and participating in their campaigns or becoming members of their clubs; however, such endeavors are not organic and share price increases are often due to the artificial unsustainable demand (bullish sentiment) of the promotion. That is why so many of them have a warning that investors may lose their entire investment should they not sell their investments before the promotional campaign ends. This is part of the disclaimer that appears on the stock promoter site