CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Publicly Traded December 2017 | Page 209




Wow, the year seems to be going by so quick. We have one month left and what an exciting year it has been so far. What doe the remainder of the year have in store for us? Perhaps there are some stocks you are considering to pick up, but are not just sure it is the ideal time to do so.

As we know there is ever evolving news and growth within this sector. Perhaps you have a few in mind you would like to add to your portfolio but were wondering if it was a good time to do so. This is where it pays off to brush up on your technical and charting analysis. It is always recommended that you do your due diligence and understand a company before investing in them. What makes investing in a good company even better is when you can place your bids at a more optimal time.

I am excited to see what this year's end will bring for us and how things will start to shape up for the following year. Let’s take a dive into our analysis now. I invite you to kick back, get comfy, and hunker down for another issue of our technical and charting analysis were we will go over a handful of marijuana charts and some of the indicators and charting setups that you can add to your toolbelt to help your future self be the best investor/trader possible.