CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Publicly Traded August 2018 | Page 139


If a piece appears on one of these platforms using sources and references from other similar platforms, then that is an automatic red flag because if the subject matter had integrity then surely there were articles that could have been referenced from known respected and identifiable experts/professionals.

Be very careful if they refer to their content and/or sources using words that they know are typically misused and consequently misunderstood. A good example could be referring to a source as incredible because the word “incredible” actually means far fetched, or absurd, and that is because the word literally means not credible. This may be a CYA strategy because the writer is telling its readers to not trust its sources and any conclusions that may come from those sources etc. Any notoriety or legal action for any defamatory remarks can be assigned to those sources. As a result, the piece’s suitability as a source of reliable information effectively may be little more than speculative fiction of checkout line tabloid substance. If such pieces were truly meant to be taken seriously then they would use credible platforms and their sources would originate from platforms and entities of verifiable legitimacy and credibility with respect to the subject matter.

Every month our industry leading content and stock lists arm you with the information that you need to conduct further due diligence for any investment consideration. Our other magazines open your eyes to the latest trends and medical discoveries. And here’s the irony … if you believe that an era of protectionism is beginning and that somehow the US will be stronger as a result then foreign currencies, such as the Canadian dollar, will deteriorate relative to the American dollar. If that is your belief then perhaps you need to revisit any foreign holdings held in that country’s currency if only to buy back when that country’s currency bottoms. Almost every month we remind you how the paid promoters followed the smart money north to Canada – how ironic if the US continues down this road because could these paid promoters not be considered American citizens living off the avails of an industry in that is illegal in the US?