CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Publicly Traded April 2018 | Page 94

But here’s what most have missed. I have written many things how the unscrupulous in this industry (some stock promoters, companies, and those with less than benign agendas) use manipulation and misdirection tactics. The classic example is using variations of the “The Monty Hall” problem to move investors off of their positions and therefore causing share prices to move in a desired direction. The President first rescinded the Cole memo. Despite doing so, no action was ever taken against any lawful person or business in compliance with state law. Perhaps that was owing to the fact the Judiciary Department (DEA and FBI included) had a budget of $0 to do so combined with the ruling of the 9th District Court with respect to State Supremacy in this matter. On April 13th President Trump said in principle that he will honor the rights of individual states on this subject.