CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Privately Held September 2018 | Page 280


Then, over time, as she feels more comfortable and as her body builds tolerance, she can titrate the THC level up so ultimately, she is getting the optimal levels of THC in the recipe to maximize the therapeutic benefits without ever getting “high”. Essentially, the Oblend can create micro-vapes and users can self-titrate depending on their body’s needs and desired effects.

Another user may find that a particular recipe that seems to offer effective pain relief but some users say that they sometimes experience increased anxiety. Using the app, that user can add ingredients that tend to ease anxiety, so maybe they’d raise the amount of linalool and now they have a blend that works for them.

CIM: How difficult is it for a new consumer to learn how to use the Oblend?

Nicole: We’ve designed the Oblend with the consumer’s ease of use in mind. We realize that some people are new to cannabis and others are more advanced. The Oblend app will walk users through how to make each product. It will provide a tutorial on how to find, create, and adjust recipes. The app will teach the user how to save and share favorite blends. It will even provide educational information about the therapeutic benefits of each ingredient and why a user might consider making a vape instead of a sublingual.

Q& A

Altopa, Inc.

Nicole Wicker, CEO

U.S. CannaInvestor Magazine

Derwin Wallace (CIM)

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