CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Privately Held September 2018 | Page 110


Our product line includes proprietary formulas for topical creams, lotions, sprays, gels, shampoos, and bubble baths that provide rapid relief with Core Formula Topical Pain Relief Cream. Some, but not all of the conditions addressed, include, arthritic pain, joint and back pain, migraine headaches, PMS, menopausal pain and discomfort and diabetic neuropathic nerve pain.

We have a tremendous competitive advantage due to the proprietary absorption technology that allows the active ingredients to deeply penetrate the skin quickly resulting in almost immediate pain relief. In addition, the formulation can reach the site of inflammation and activate the body’s regenerative response to effectuate healing. These products will be the first of its kind to market and will help in establishing market share.”

Our products offer personalized solutions for consumers with different conditions creating further competitive advantages. Our products will revolutionize the industry, and their safety and efficacy will invite even the most unlikely consumer into the world of rapid relief from pain and inflammation.