CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Privately Held June/July 2018 | Page 50



CIM: Due to the fact this is a new industry and there are no historical comps, investors use management team experience as a key metric when investing, what past skillsets and experiences does your management team have to give investors confidence that iaso will be successful?

aiso: People tend to think that cannabis is a very different type of business, and it may be in some ways; but fundamentally it is still a business like any other. At iaso, we have put together a of team seasoned professionals with solid academic credentials, and deep experience developing and executing expansion plans, and creating value for shareholders.

Q: Who would you consider to be your major competitor? What would be your advantages?

aiso: At this stage, our main competitors are producers and manufacturers of cultivation and extraction equipment for the industry. Our advantages are our science board, our executive team, our manufacturing capacity, the scalability of our products, and the optimization of results you get by using our different technologies.

César Cordero Kruger,


Derwin Wallace:: CIM