CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Privately Held June/July 2018 | Page 114


Q: Do you have any tips and suggestions on how investors can approach investing in privately held companies?

A: Invest in yourself, start your own private company. Best investment I ever made was in MarijuanaStocks(.)com and the reason I did it was that information was so hard to find and news etc was not in one central location. To this day it’s been my best investment & literally grows in value every day from a data/advertising standpoint. Look for solutions to problems within the industry you see & bring people on that can execute with you. Never own 100% of anything because a 100% of nothing is still zero. Start small and try and get 1 client in the door whether you are building websites or playing middleman for something in an efficient way. Your real life skills can be used for the ancillary infrastructure the industry needs to grow, always remember that.

Thank you for tuning in for our Q&A with Jason Spatafora. Hopefully, this helps give you some alternative perspective and a little dive into the great minds of some of the well-known investors in the cannabis space. If you are not currently following some of the bright minds within the cannabis space via Twitter then perhaps you should give it a try and catch up with the latest happenings within the sector.

Happy investing.