CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Privately Held February 2019 | Page 15

Any highlight updates on Branding, Extraction, Construction, and Sales & Distribution Strategy:

CVG has a lot happening right now, we have finalized all layouts and just committed to a turn key extraction line we will be using, we are under way with various construction projects at our facility, we are exploring some unique partnerships that we will be announcing in the coming months and we are continuously looking at ways to add value to our stakeholders.

Your sales and distribution strategy includes the acquisition of 37 legal retail locations in Alberta, what are you seeing as far as valuations are concerned?

This is a very interesting question as the valuations are all over the map. The leaders at the moment are Fire and Flower (Est. $185M MKT Cap), National Access Cannabis ($128M MKT Cap), High Tide ($71M Mkt Cap) West Leaf ($230M MKT Cap). Budd Hutt Inc. is similar to West Leaf given the stage of the company and the talent pool in the company. In any case, CVG feels that its stake in retail is valuable both from a strategic and economic perspective and distinguishes the company from other early cannabis companies.