CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Privately Held Companies May/June 2018 | Page 188


Build Your Brand and Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Whatever your marketing M.O. in whatever your field – medical/pharma-related, new kind of distribution, online service hub, lighting equipment, some kind of real estate and leasing edibles/drinks, industrial hemp, new kind of dispensary, pet food, etc. — an entirely new universe is opening up.

And whatever you have, you should aim to be building a brand, with a unique corporate personality, that will define your company.

So what ARE you? Whatever it is, you’ll have to communicate that special something in a few seconds or a minute. That’s your Unique Selling Proposition, or USP. And it will show how you’re different, how you stand out from the crowd, and why many people will want whatever it is you’re selling.


Survive and Thrive in a Tough Cannabis Market