CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Privately Held Companies March 2018 | Page 77

throw enough s**t against the wall and hope that something sticks. Questionable tactic, because it usually shows that management is basically clueless and floundering. On the other hand, it’s better than nothing and some investors will fall for this line.

Second, investors are chronically hungry for something big, so casually mention that you’ve got something in the “pipeline,” “under development,” your Next Big Thing. It doesn’t have to exist — it can just be in your head — but it must catchy, and have a connection to what you’re currently doing or it won’t be credible.

Remember, early-stage and speculative retail investors are mostly gamblers, and gamblers usually go by gut feel — so entrepreneurs need to make a really positive impression in the first few minutes of their presentation, or forget it. Go or no-go decisions are usually made quickly.