CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Privately Held August 2018 | Page 54

Sales &

Marketing Strategy

Sources of New Clients and Revenue

- Cannabis Industry Associations – Affiliated Programs

with revenue sharing

- CPA and Attorney Associations - Trusted Advisor Referrals –

Marketing to these industry associations

- State Government Mandates for eXPO Total Tracking™ to be

used as state program and cashless requirements for businesses

- State Government Members to establish tax collection accounts

eXPO™ will become an instrumental operating system for state

governments to accurately record and collect sales tax at the

point of sale in those market sectors of the economy that were

previously difficult to track

- Mass Marketing through Industry Events, Educational

Presentations, Trade Shows, Advertising and Media Campaigns,

Social Media, Publicity and Grassroots distribution

The company is working with independent sales organizations, vendors interested in utilizing the eXPO™ network for its customers, and some large opportunities to co-brand to large existing customer bases. Currently, there is a co-brand opportunity with one company that has 6000 customers and an estimated revenue stream of $ 50 million dollars annually.