CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Privately Held April / May 2019 | Page 30

Sales Forecast & Revenues

Cannabis Compliance is a $1 Billion Market.

The global legal cannabis industry exceeds $25 billion per year. High-risk industries spend approximately 5-8% of revenues on compliance related activities. Given that the cannabis industry is considered a high-risk industry, compliance spend by license owners, financial institutions and regulatory authorities will exceed $1 billion.

Adherence derives revenue from our three practices: Enterprise, Government & Financial Services.

To realize our achievable sales pipeline, or forecast, Adherence is expanding our services to all U.S. and Canadian markets, including international opportunities.

Total vs Achievable Pipeline

In March 2019, Adherence Compliance’s achievable sales pipeline totaled more than $27 million.

For more information on revenues, interested parties must contact Adherence to engage in our Accredited Investor process prior to receiving confidential revenue or market place information.