CANNAINVESTOR Magazine Privately Held Companies January 2018 | Page 139


CIM: How does marijuana legislation impact your business? How does the decision by Attorney Jeff Sessions to rescind the Cole Memorandum impact your business?

CC: I believe it’s an advantage as it delays entrants from the major players into the market. Thus, allowing us to positioning our efforts to establish a presence for market share in the sector. Our team believes that the Sessions position is a political maneuver to bargain for the Trump agenda. The economic benefits are too great. In addition, the extraction team can focus on alternative products as this market develops if nessesary. Although we are very attracted to the CDB market we are not dependent on it for our success.

CIM: What are the risks to investors, since Cana-Coin “touches the plant?”

CC: Cana – Coin inc. can be totally shut down if AG Sessions is successfully in closing the marijuana industry. Equally important is the ability to ride the rough patches in the industries development. NWD, USA is positioned to do just that.

CIM: Can you breakdown ownership % of Cana-Coin?

CC: After funding 60% management 40% investors.