CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June 2020 | Page 194


We can also use the Cannalogue platform for European jurisdictions where CBD is legal, such as the UK and Germany, and are actively exploring Australia, Thailand, and Japan as well. The margins are high reflecting the fact that we do not need to produce or warehouse our products as well as taking into consideration our scalable sources of revenue (eg. data, SaaS, consulting). At the time of this writing, the COVID-19 crisis has significantly impacted the markets where we understand future projections will need to be adjusted accordingly.


CannaInvestor Magazine: What does your Balance Sheet look like? Any Debt?

Cannalogue: Because of our lean, risk-mitigated business model, we have a healthy balance sheet with only necessary liabilities like rent, utilities, and salaries. We do not possess the product so we save warehousing costs and save inventory risk. We do not have any debt and have never had any debt.


CannaInvestor Magazine: How have you funded the Company to date? Any existing investors?


Cannalogue: The funding thus far has come from the founders, friends and family, and our extended network which includes high net-worth individuals and accredited investors. The founders still own the majority of the company at 76% and our investors come from all over the world including Canada, United States, and the Middle East.