CANNAINVESTOR Magazine February 2020 | Page 81


CIM: How is Onit Sciences impacted by commodity pricing?

OS: Downward price pressure will increase cultivators’ need to seek out yield enhancing products like ONIT Grow™ to protect magins.



CIM: How do you plan on being fully compliant?


OS: We are currently registered with 30 states’ agriculture departments for sale as a plant enhancer. This is in addition to WSDA approval. We will continue to obtain and maintain all necessary licenses, registrations and other conditions to remain compliant both domestically and abroad.

CIM: How do you plan on attracting cultivators? How do you plan on getting your product to the market?



OS: As mentioned above, we have 400 samples out for testing. We have a direct-to-grower sales team focused on converting these samples into orders. We will continue this direct sales model with internal resources. For retail sales, we work with white label partners domestically and abroad.


CIM: What experience does your management team possess to ensure operational success?


OS: ONIT Sciences was created by a group of finance professionals with the express purpose of establishing considerable market share for ONIT Grow™. The group is responsible for billions of dollars in financing, has started, run and sold many successful companies, both public and private.