CANNAINVESTOR Magazine August / September 2017 | Page 43


Retail Investor's Perspective

Current bills under consideration range from expanded protection to rescheduling cannabis to extending banking rights to those businesses operating in full compliance with State law. The most recent example can be found in late July when the Senate Senators opted to, as the headline of the Huffington Post stated: “Defy Jeff Sessions And Vote To Extend Medical Marijuana Protections”. Internationally, the United States is falling further behind on what is expected to be a legal global Hemp and Cannabis market in excess of USD$1-trillion. If you do not subscribe already to the Canadian edition of CannaInvestor Magazine then I encourage you to do so because not only is the edition dedicated to the most progressive country but many articles discuss international opportunities and many referenced companies have shares that can be purchased by Americans.

Many find it overwhelming to try to track companies in this industry with respect to investment considerations because so many variables seem to change weekly if not even more frequently and international diversification may add foreign exchange into the mix. M&A activity is heating up as CannaInvestor Magazine predicted last spring. Investment Analysis Forms may assist the Retail Investor tracking companies and risks and opportunities but such forms tend to be static rather than dynamic; that is to say, populated at a point in time. A dynamic Investment Analysis Form could be a powerful tool for the typical Retail Investor.