CANNAHealthcare Magazine Volume 5, 2nd Quarter, 2018 | Page 22


Healthcare Technology

& Innovation

Previously published


Dr. Rahul Kushwah,

Chief Scientific Officer, Anantlife Canada Inc.

[email protected]

1060 Sheppard Avenue West, Commercial Unit 110,

Toronto, ON M3J 0G7 Canada



Patient Story

I was diagnosed with epilepsy at age 13. I lightly hit my head on the roof of our car one morning causing a grand mal seizure, and I continued to have seizures almost daily after that. Our local neurologist tried several medications that didn't work and mostly just made me tired and unable to focus. Since our local neurologist was unable to find a medication that was working, I was sent to Children's Hospital in San Francisco, and the doctor there prescribed me Lamictal, which was new to the US. It ended up working for me pretty immediately.