CANNAHEALTH Women's Health with Cannabis | Page 19

lifestyle predisposes people to chronic pain due to an increase in obesity, decrease in physical activity and rapid changes in the social environment (3).

Chronic pain, or pain lasting beyond the normal time for tissue healing, is commanding a growing concern on Western societies in terms of cost of medical care and lost productivity. This suffering often impairs a patient’s ability to function in considerably “normal” lifestyle (1,5). The development of ability to predict treatment responses in the individual patient is critical to improving pain management. Most Western treatment patterns include umbrella analgesic therapy, i.e. paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and mild to strong opioids (6). Pain medicine must embrace new considerations for an evidence-based therapeutic models as well as high safety, low adverse effect relief as the number of occurrences in chronic pain continues to rise (2).

Several studies show cannabidiol, more commonly known as CDB, derived from the cannabis plant, alleviates a multitude of physical imbalances. Including pain. CBD works in conjunction with the endocannabinoid system located endogenous or naturally within the human body. The endocannabinoid system is involved in a host of homeostatic and physiologic functions, including modulation of pain and inflammation (4). While possessing high safety and low adverse effects, CBD is a promising ingredient of value to pain management therapies.

The specific roles of CBD are currently being investigated for potential alleviators of chronic pain. Not all pain is necessarily diminished by cannabinoids and/or CBD but more balance maybe achieved. All is variable to the individual’s personal biochemistry.

Exogenous plant-based cannabinoids or phytocannabinoids are chemically related to compounds like the terpenes. Terpenes, the compounds of smell and taste commonly found in foods, have been noted to exert significant analgesic or pain relieving effects in numerous chronic pain conditions (4).