CANNAHEALTH The Power of Cannabidiol | Page 28

Cannabis: A plant with grand potential. Beyond the typical permaculture, Cannabis is an accumulator plant. Meaning it has the ability to absorb practically all in its environment specifically during vegetative growth. Contaminants can concentrate and be stored within its plant tissues resulting in potentially harmful plant matter. Hazardous waste treatment is undergone when alarming levels of toxic compounds are detected. Did you know Cannabis is so efficient at accumulating toxins that it was used at the Chernobyl site to pull deadly radioactive contaminates out of the soil?

Cannabis is used for soil remediation. Meaning it facilitates medicinal balance for the environment by removing harmful toxins from the soil. Cannabis and/or industrial hemp crops may be planted to encourage environmental sustainability. This unique property of Cannabis allows for dramatic depth in its application including medicinal usage for the environment. There’s enormous potential for cleaning up toxic metals, pesticides, solvents, gasoline and explosives with Cannabis. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that more than 30,000 sites in the United States alone require hazardous waste treatment.