CANNAHEALTH Seniors: Finding Comfort with Cannabis | Page 7

A recent article in the New York Times (Why Cystic Fibrosis Patients in Canada Outlive Those in the U.S.) discusses possible early implementation of nutrition as one of the reasons why CF patients live on average of 10 years longer in Canada.

Between 85 to 90 percent of individuals with CF have pancreatic insufficiency. Although they take pancreatic enzymes, they still aren't able to use 100 percent of the energy they consume because enzymes cannot break down everything they eat or correct their problems with absorbing nutrients.

CF patients need extra calories for several reasons, such as failure to properly digest food because of a lack of digestive enzymes made by the pancreas. Fighting infections and coughing on a regular basis also burns extra calories. Maintaining a healthy weight -- and sometimes increasing it -- is key to fighting infection and keeping your lungs and body strong.

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation suggests that, on average, women with CF should consume 2,500 calories a day to maintain their weight and 3,000 calories a day to gain weight. Men with CF should consume 3,000 calories a day to maintain their weight and up to 3,700 calories a day to gain weight.

One of the main benefits of medical cannabis treatment is the stimulation of appetite that leads to gaining weight and decreasing nausea, giving patients more energy.

Another big benefit is the relaxed mood often resulting from using cannabis, which can eliminate or lessen the emotional isolation and anxiety experienced by some CF patients. In addition, cannabis doesn’t harm the liver, which is at risk for failure with CF.

So, what is the downside to these findings? The potential concerns for long-term use include

depression, memory impairment, and excessive vomiting. Marijuana will show up on drug screens, sometimes up to two months later, and may lead to dependence.

The most common side effects are euphoria, relaxation, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness and

nausea. Drug interactions could result. It also is important not to consume more than a usual dose of edible cannabis because it has delayed absorption in the body that can make a person very ill if too much is eaten. It has not been proven safe for children. and of course, it does not work for everyone.