CANNAHEALTH Rediscovering Hemp | Page 30

medicine with profound benefits on a human being. As a health coach, I see CBD especially as a profoundly balancing, normalizing medicine. Instead of forcing our biology in a particular direction and creating side effects, CBD works through our own body-wide endocannabinoid system to help normalize, regulate, and calm anxiety and inflammation and even seizures, without side effects. Pretty amazing.

I'll be honest, as a health writer and wide explorer of holistic medicine from herbs to acupuncture, one of my intentions in writing this piece is to help illuminate the reality that we already have many medicines here that we aren't using to the max. This really isn't just about cannabis. The broader trend is a very clear shift from allopathic medicine alone to integrative medicine, or IM, which uses both allopathic together with evidence-based natural medicine.

That, I believe, is the future. To read more about the future of medicine, please visit my blog:

-Donovan Giraud