CANNAHEALTH Rediscovering Hemp | Page 28

As cannabis medicine comes to the fore, hemp-extracted Cannabidiol (CBD) will be increasingly popular since it contains almost no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and is therefore non-psychoactive. Yet non-psychoactive CBD, amazingly, still reduces inflammation, reduces anxiety, lowers blood sugar, reduces seizures, helps with sleep and more.

The question is, how can one medicine do so many things? Here, I’m going to share two complementary views of how one medicine can do so much: 1) the evolutionary view, and 2) the science view.

The Evolutionary View: CBD Co-Evolved with Human Beings Over Thousands of Years

All life on earth; the fruits, the vegetables, the animals, all co-evolved with human beings over thousands of years. Including cannabis and CBD. They are actually nature-made to fit our biology. Which, in my understanding, no pharmaceutical can claim. And that’s because pharmaceuticals are synthetic. As in man-made. As in not naturally occurring in nature. Which is why they can be patented and sold to make a billion dollars.

Now I have nothing against pharmaceuticals, or modern chemical science, which is in fact an amazing thing. I know many people even credit anti-depressants for saving their life. But I also recognize that many man-made chemicals, while creating benefits, also often create side effects which are sometimes even worse than the conditions they aim to treat. Amazingly, we don’t see with CBD. And CBD doesn’t just benefit one condition, it benefits many conditions.


