CANNAHEALTH Rediscovering Hemp | Page 25

CBD or Cannabidiol is a popular Cannabinoid found in high quantities in Industrial Hemp. CBD shows great promise for its anti-inflammatory

properties and is highly sought after by those participating in a Cannabinoid therapy who do not desire any mind-altering side effects (such as seniors and children). I take an Industrial Hemp derived broad spectrum CBD supplement daily and I am pleased with my results. But please don’t take any medical advice from me. I’m not a doctor (and I routinely faint at the sight of blood). I am an Industrial Hemp farmer and I’m proud to be growing the medicine that helps me and my family to live our lives to the fullest.

Humans and the form of Cannabis known as Industrial Hemp go way back. And, when I say way back, I mean way, way back. The Neolithic Revolution isn’t exactly late breaking news. Hemp was there when humans evolved from hunter-gatherer to farmer-harvester. As we planted seeds, our natural environment was substantially and permanently changed. Now more than ever, we need hemp to return to our fields.

We are once again at the brink of an agricultural revolution. That revolution centers on humanity’s return to our roots, and ultimately, our return to Cannabis cultivation following a 70-year ban. The time is now… and the plant is hemp.

-Stephanie M. Grande