CANNAHEALTH Pet Health | Page 31

What to Bring to the Appointment

​Here is a list of items to consider bringing with you to your appointment to give your veterinary health care team the best understanding of the cannabis product you are administering to your pet:

​ The cannabis product with as much

original packaging as possible.

The package label can provide

essential information about

product source and manufacturing,

active and inactive ingredients, and

concentration or strength of the

product. Since cannabis laws vary

from state to state, make sure to

ask your veterinary clinic if you

should bring pictures of the

packaging to the clinic instead of

the actual packaging material!

A list of all medications and

supplements currently being

administered to your pet.

This list should include all herbal

supplements, over-the-counter

medications, and any special diets.

Don’t forget about flea, tick and

heartworm prevention!

A list of goals for cannabis use.

Take some time prior to the

appointment to think about why

you want to utilize cannabis in your

pet – what are your short and long

term goals for your pet that you

hope to accomplish using



Consider bringing pictures and/or

videos in addition to your written

journal to help explain symptoms

observed at home that may not be

evident during the clinic

appointment as well as to help your

veterinarian see ongoing trends.

What to Expect from Your Veterinary Health Care Team

Once you have made the decision to use cannabis in your pet and sought out the support of your veterinary health care team, here are a few things to expect along the journey:

Goal Setting

Working together, you and your veterinary health care team can set realistic goals for your pet’s health as well as milestones to track success of treatment.